you are not alone

cancer support prograM

Cancer eventually touches everyone’s life in some way: A parent, child, sibling, spouse, grandparent, friend….or oneself. When going through the ups and downs, facing so many unknowns, and trying to navigate through life while facing a cancer diagnosis, a little bit of kindness can go a long way.  We wish to provide a little bit of kindness and support to people that are facing this difficulty in their lives. 

Everyone’s situation is different. Everyone needs assistance in different ways and we want to help in the most impactful ways for each individual person and family. Some of the ways that we have identified are: Food, gas, home modifications, comfort items, counseling, alternative healing modalities, home cleaning, pet care, clothing, hair care, and family vacation.

Let us know how we can help you by completing this short two step process!


We need YOUR support in helping us make the greatest impact possible.

Please consider making a donation to our newly created YANA Cancer Support Program by visiting